Monday 12 July 2010

Biking – A Great Hobby

My friend Jonathan encouraged me to join a biking competition. The problem was that I gave up the sport one year ago because of the demands of my job. I work as a computer analyst in a local pharmaceutical company. I spent so much time working that I felt I needed a vacation.

So the call from Jonathan to join the event is quite a surprise and breaks the routines of my life. So here I am writing my thoughts on the possibility of being on the road again and hitting the pedal over the weekend. I really need to practice. That would be the first step. Jonathan promised to help me and encourage me every step of the way so that's really a big boost to my confidence. And I have to arrange my schedule in a way to accommodate the practice sessions I am planning.

So the first thing I need to do is fix everything in my house and replace my old ductless mini split air conditioner and gas furnace system. This way, I will not worry of any pending household chores. And that I could fully concentrate on my impending entry into a biking tournament.

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