Friday 23 November 2007

Learn How to Buy a Home at an Auction

A house or a property comes to an auction center when the owner of the house is unable to sell the property or the house, and the property has been taken back by the lender in foreclosure. The owner of the house can either be a builder or an individual; so he can sell the home either by a real estate investor or with a help of an auction company.

The most important task that you need to do when you're planning to buy an auction property, is that you need to investigate and do some research! If the property is a single property that went into foreclosure, try to get some information about the house. Try to know about the house's size, what are the basic facilities does the house have, was there any previous owner and who owned it. The most important part you need to know is the opening bid. You may even cross check with local title company or with the county's recorder for list of houses which are currently in foreclosure. Before you buy the property or the house, you must know the property's value; therefore you have to compare the sale prices of two such similar properties in that particular locality. In order to predict the property's value, try comparing houses which are within 3 miles of the house which is been auctioned. Try to find what kinds of amenities does the house have; such as number of bathrooms, bedrooms, parking area, fireplaces, swimming pool, etc. This will help you to know about the value of the property.

Keep yourself financially ready, at property auctions you might need to deposit a minimum of at least $1000 to maximum of $5000. You may pay the remaining amount when you buy the house. You should always know to keep your price limit. People at auction are known to create excitement and agitations, so more the crowd, the more likely the price to increase! Keep yourself stuck to the price which you have targeted and don't get carried away. You have to be prepared to just walk away if you think the property or the price doesn't satisfy you. If you feel if there is a bidding war among the bidders then try to stay away, as your bid will only shoot up the tension. So once the bidders have dropped out you may slowly get in.

How to select your first guitar

Buying your first electric guitar can seem like a pretty daunting experience. Having no doubt admired many an axe-wielder, the obvious idea would be to buy the same guitar as one of your heroes. The problem with that is the equally obvious issue of money. Unless you're willing to spend several thousand pounds on a plank of wood you can barely play, a few helpful hints can ensure that you buy the right guitar to suit your needs, skill level and budget.

The right type of guitar will depend on the style of music you are most likely to play. For example, if heavy metal is your thing, a semi-hollow body guitar, like the Gibson ES-355, made popular in recent times by such luminaries as Noel Gallagher, will probably not be what you're looking for. For the right style, see what kind of guitars your main influences are playing and see if there are cheaper versions available.

When it comes to the price you're willing to pay, there must be some leeway. A cheap guitar might be within your budget, but if the wood, pick-ups and frets are substandard, it will lessen your incentive to keep playing. That's not to say your first guitar should cost a fortune, but even spending £100 more could significantly improve the quality of guitars available. The same can be said for the shape of the guitar, although the most aesthetically-appealing guitars might not always be the best-sounding. The key is to always try the guitar before buying, even if you can't really play anything, be it in a guitar shop or from a private seller. The sound and feel of playing the guitar should feel right before you part with any of your money.

Every electric guitar needs an amplifier, so unless you're buying a guitar and amplifier together as part of a deal, you should try several ones to find the right one for you. As a general rule of thumb, always try playing through the amplifier with your guitar or one similar to your own. The amplifier might sound fantastic with a top-of-the range PRS Custom guitar, but that might not be the case with your Squier Strat.

Even though several guitarists, from Jimmy Page to Matt Bellamy of Muse, have been mainly self-taught, it is still worthwhile taking a few lessons to learn the rudimentary workings of a guitar. A look through online classifieds will allow you to see quickly and easily if there are guitar teachers in your local area. In addition, there are several online resources to further your training, where you can learn guitar chords and find transcriptions of your favourite songs. Certain software packages, such as Tab Editor can play transcriptions of songs as MIDI files, with notation to teach you how to play the song in real-time. This is great for when you're starting out, but be beware of relying too much on these packages, as figuring out songs for yourself is needed to develop your musical ear.

At the end of the day, the most important thing about progressing as a guitarist is, unsurprisingly, to keep practicing. It can seem frustrating to not be able to play your favourite songs straight away, but with tenacity and the right equipment you can reach far further than may seem apparent at first. Rock on.

Tuesday 20 November 2007

How to Dominate PvP

"They live in a world based on rules" tells Morpheus to Neo. A statement has never been truer for that of gamers; some rise above the rules or fundamentals of the game, while others sit idly by, accepting the game mechanics and virtual world at face value. When one begins to question the world, in this case virtual world, they live in, you begin to see there are ways to become better, faster, and smarter, than the program ever truly intentioned. Are you ready to free your mind and become the PvP Lord you were meant to be? Take the Red Pill with me now.

The game you play is not of much importance but the principles to follow are timeless. Keep in mind we are not playing for fun as the end goal, we are playing to win, but the fun will come indirectly from being the best. With feelings set aside, choose the best "skill based" PvPer the video game has to offer. Usually melee or warrior types (Dexers) aren't the best since their world is based on rules. You must pick a skill based class that takes time to refine; this can be either a pure caster, or some form of hybrid. The point here is knowing all the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and your opponent.

To master and manipulate the PvP you must have a great understanding of the physical world around you. Once you understand how to move to avoid hits, whether side to side, up and down, or left and right rapidly, you can successfully dodge more attacks. In 3d games this becomes even more effective as time/spatial relations rely most on reaction time and those that understand when and why a hit will land.

After you mastered the physical movement, understanding combinations is the next step. You must approach your game as if it were Mortal Kombat. Even though you might not be jump kicking you still are unconsciously utilizing combinations, whether they are good or bad. If a player has casted a DOT (Damage Over Time) spell, chances are the opponent will attempt to cure it. This leaves him open for a Direct Damage Spell, or perhaps a Melee attack. Whatever the combination, understand this; PvP is a big Math equation/ IF then Statement wrapped in graphics. Once you understand that if you DOT (A) someone, they will do (B) cure. When someone begins to cast a spell on you, you must condition your body and mind to immediately cast your counter spell without hesitation. A player that doesn't understand delayed damage stacking with direct damage will never truly become a PvPer and always fall victim to a more seasoned comboer.

So you now realize you need those fast combinations, some dealing large amounts of damage, but your fingers aren't fast enough. This is where setting up Macros comes in to play. The newbies of the world will rely on the rules that are preset; they will not realize you can setup multiple hotkeys to trigger other hotkeys. Utilizing the F1-F12 keys, plus the buttons on a mouse, one can instantly call upon the correct answer to the Math equation that is PvP.

Now at this point you can maneuver around flawlessly in your environment and you have a great understanding of spell combinations and delays. The next step is to develop muscle memory. Through repetitive use muscle memory will allow you to make the correct decision and hit the correct hotkey every time through repetition. Here, and only at this step can you begin dueling others, preferably friends or guild mates, to fine tune your reaction time.

At first you will be clumsy, you will forget your hotkeys, you will forget to heal, you will forget combinations, and yes you will lose to the less talented warrior. But their world is based on rules, and once you rise above these rules the next warrior that runs at you with his sword and shield will have you jumping around laughing as you nuke, combo, and strike your way to the WIN. Enjoy dry looting his equipment based character and proceed to the next computer programmed bound victim.

Sunday 18 November 2007

Locate Hot Spots For Metal Detecting

Try something new in metal detecting.

Most parks, schools and known spots are picked over. You need to find some new spots to use your metal detector. There are many out of the way spots that have been hidden throughout the years that have the potential to give up some mighty nice finds. There are many ways of going about finding these metal detecting sites.

Talk to the senior citizens in your area. Find some that have lived in the area for a long time. Find out where they played as children, where the church picnics were held, Old ball parks, (includes concession stands). Old building long torn down, but the lot is still vacant. Talk to older hunters in your area. They may know where there are some old foundations, caves etc.

We found some old auto parts, including an Arizona 1933 copper license plate. This plate was in excellent condition. It was buried about 1 foot. This lead came from a road crew, who was going to build a new bridge over some old ranch foundations.

Another idea for finding some out of the way sites is to obtain some old maps of your area. Search local flee markets and garage sales for these maps or visit your local library and historical society, they will most likely have what you are looking for. A good map will be very detailed and show where structures and homesteads were; they will also show points of interest.

Since I'm a senior citizen and have lived in the same town for last 45+ years; I started thinking about locations I knew. One was an old little league ballpark, abandoned some 30 years ago. It was now a big vacant lot. I remembered where the stands where and the concession stand was located. I located some very nice silver coins over a two-hour hunt. Plus a ladies diamond ring.

You need to look for different places to hunt. Parks in your area most likely have been picked over by you and others. Use the tips in this report, and find virgin metal detecting spots to hunt. You may be in for a surprise!

Found over $300 worth of Gold in a city park. Read all about it at AZMULETREASURES

Friday 16 November 2007

NASCAR – The Drivers Training

So maybe you are fascinated with NASCAR and would like to choose this as a career. How does one go about participating in race driver training so as to become a driver? There are drivers training schools but all are very expensive and there is no guarantee that you will become a real NASCAR driver. So what kind of training makes a professional driver?

Well, just as in other professional sports, the competition to be a driver is very tough. But more than that, the majority of people don't get there because of a lack of driver training. It usually is because of who they know, who their family is, and where they started. These drivers start when they are very young and run the go cart circuits. Their fathers were probably race car drivers. They probably ran into a promoter or sponsor somewhere along the way that gives them their big break.

NASCAR driver training includes the physical portion and also stresses mental conditioning. Although to the fans it looks easy, a driver's brain has to work very fast to be alert to other cars around him while trying to take the lead and maintain it.

The best training has been learned in the early years by most of these drivers when they were just children. Growing up around tracks and being able to drive the cars at young ages allowed the driver training to become somewhat instinctive. This is very important because later on during professional competition, the carbon monoxide levels can get very high inside of the driver's compartment. Carbon monoxide can cause confusion. The way to overcome confusion is to depend on instinct. Training accentuates the instinct.

The physical conditioning of the driver is the subject for an article all its own but you can think about it as somewhat like an astronaut preparing for his or her first launch. The G forces are very significant for a race car driver and driver training includes getting conditioned to them. Astronauts experience significantly more G forces but the NASCAR driver should include conditioning for them nonetheless.

The training also includes the driver's education from a young age. You might ask what non-driving education has to do with NASCAR driver training. Well, a driver is going to be promoting the products of some very large and prominent companies. That means that along the way he or she will have to give an endorsement of the products. If these guys get in front of the camera and cannot use proper grammar it would not look too good.

Another reason why education is important in NASCAR is because the driver won't be able to drive forever. Once a driver gets into middle age, it becomes tougher. So he will need to be able to branch out into other aspects of the racing "business." He'll probably still be running the team but will have to think more of the business aspect of things. This is where business and marketing education would be most beneficial.

Many of the retired drivers such as Richard Petty operate driving schools as well as serious driver improvement programs when they're offering NASCAR driving experiences for those wondering what it's like to be as a NASCAR driver.

Monday 12 November 2007

F1 down, plenty more motor sports to go

The Formula One world championship season has ended for the season, leaving many Brits a little disappointed. Everything was looking good for racing prodigy Lewis Hamilton, who at the tender age of 22 looked as though he had the world title in the bag.

However, things weren't to be; in the final race in Brazil, it all went wrong for Hamilton who suffered from mechanical problems with his car and finished 8th in the race, meaning he was just beaten to being crowned the youngest ever F1 champion.

Hamilton's team, McLaren, have stated that they may appeal against the stewards' decision not to penalise Williams and BMW Sauber for alleged fuel irregularities, but despite this meaning that Hamilton would then be crowned champion, he has publicly stated that he does not want to win the title under such circumstances. He has announced that he wants to win the world championship on the racetrack, not in an appeal court, adding that such a situation would be detrimental to the sport of F1.

Even though the F1 season is over for another year, there are still plenty of world class motoring events to keep petrol heads happy; The World Rally Championship, the Karting World Championship and the European Drag racing championship amongst others.

And for those who wonder how motor sport could ever be seen as 'green', the FIA Alternatives Energies Cup is a growing competition that pits various green forms of alternative energy powered vehicles against each other, such as solar power and electrically powered automobiles. Hardened motor sport enthusiasts may miss the scream and smell of the petrol engine, but the Alternative Energies cup is helping to further renewable and less damaging forms of vehicular technology whilst at the same time providing some superb racing sport.

And don't forget the hundreds of local motor races that take place throughout the country at small club circuits every week. These may not carry the prestige of world cup events, but they can be just as entertaining and it's here that you'll find some of the most interesting classes of vehicles being pitted against each other; coaches, taxis, ambulances, tractors, minis - even sit-on lawn mowers, if it's got wheels and an engine, there's likely to be a club of enthusiasts that races them.

We all know that a massive part of the attraction of motor sports is the element of danger and the chance of a spectacular crash; and this is one area where local banger racing circuits can almost guarantee entertainment, as many local race days will end with a real crowd pleaser - the demolition derby. This is a 'last man stands' affair - enter all ye who dare, rev up your engines and then bump, crash, scrape and collide until only one car can still move. The perfect end to a day at the races.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Fishing in Lake Michigan

Information courtesy of Travel Bays de Noc

Visit our web site to learn all of what you can do in Michigan including fishing, golfing, scuba diving, historic lighthouses, theatre, and much more!

For more information on Michigan Vacations please contact us at 1-800-533-4386, 1-906-789-7862, or visit our web site at

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Sport Hearing Enhancement and Protection

It really doesn't seem that long ago, reflecting back to a time where, while sitting in your tree stand, or ground blind. You would hear only as good as the normal humans evolutionary state allowed you too. Now with the new high end technology available from credible research and development companies you can increase your hearing capabilities up to eight times the normal human capacity. Think about that. You literally can increase your ability to hear many time that of the normal human being. That means you now can finally achieve some hearing advantage over the prey you seek.

There are many sport hearing products available for the hunter/sportsman. The number one product I have found is the SportEAR found at The highly advanced features of the SportEAR are incredible. This product actually allows you to hear multiple times that of your otherwise God given abilities. Now that is if your hearing is 100%. We now know that most of us have lost a certain amount of our hearing capabilities by our early 30's.

SportEAR hearing products provide outdoorsmen and hunters with long distance sound amplification and noise suppression- the perfect combination to hear natural sounds while providing sportsmen with protection from sudden loud noises. SportEAR is responsible for introducing and manufacturing this highly specialized product. SportEAR delivers to the sporting good market nearly 50 years of experience in premium hearing aid manufacturing and retailing sales. SportEAR, wholly owns and operates on of the largest retail and manufacturing operations in the world for premium hearing aids and hearing centers.

As a premium hearing device manufacture, SportEAR President Weston Harris recognized there was a huge need for high quality, leading technology hearing instruments in the sporting goods market. As outdoorsmen and hunters ourselves, We and all the SportEAR team have spent extensive time, expertise and financial resources developing the highest quality and performance hearing devices for our fellow outdoor enthusiasts.

SportEAR gives the best technology for the best price. As the leader in the hearing industry, SportEAR is committed to bringing the most innovative and high-quality instruments to the sportsman. By teaming up with the premier technology companies in the world. SportEAR had developed the most advanced product line available for serious hunters and shooters.

So when your in the market for a hearing enhancement /protection device.You really need to honestly consider the SportEAR for your next purchase. You certainly will no be


Check them out at or if you want call them at (801) 376-0212

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Layin' The Smack Down on Hollywood

Dwayne Johnson is the star of several Hollywood blockbusters, but he is perhaps best known to most for his time as professional wrestler, The Rock. During the late '90s and early '00s he was one of the most popular and successful wrestlers in the business.

Debuting in WWE as a clean-cut 'babyface' (wrestling slang for hero, or good guy) in 1996, Johnson became despised by fans, who found the character uninteresting and unrealistic in the wake of anti-hero characters like Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the De-Generation-X group. As a result of this backlash, Johnson was eventually turned 'heel' (wrestling slang for villain, or bad guy).

Ironically, it was during this time, when the Rock character was portrayed as arrogant and devious, and often insulted fans in interviews, that Johnson reached the height of his popularity, as fans saw a real talent and charisma in him. He went on to hold the World Heavyweight Championship nine times.

Johnson's massive popularity with wrestling fans soon saw him follow in the footsteps of Hulk Hogan and crossover into the mainstream. While still a full-time wrestler, Johnson appeared on rapper Wyclef Jean's track "It Doesn't Matter" ("It Doesn't Matter" being one of The Rock's signature catchphrases). He also made an appearance as guest host on US comedy show 'Saturday Night Live' (a role usually reserved for movie and pop stars), perfectly showcasing his acting and comedy abilities. Johnson soon landed his first role in a movie, as the Scorpion King in The Mummy Returns.

The job earned Johnson a place in the Guinness Book of Records, for the largest amount paid to a first-time actor ($5.5M US). He resumed the role, this time as the star, in the subsequent spin-off, entitled The Scorpion King. Johnson's wrestling appearances became fewer and fewer as he began to focus on his acting career. He starred in more action movies, including Walking Tall and Doom, but they all either bombed at the box office, or were slated by critics - or both.

In October 2007, Johnson and his wife donated $1M US to the University of Miami's athletics department, the largest amount ever donated to the university by a former student - Johnson attended the university in 1990, playing as defensive tackle for the Miami Hurricanes. In 1992, he was part of the team that won the National Championship.

The Hurricanes are the most successful college football team of the last twenty-five years in America, and have won more National Championships than any other team in their division. From 2008, The Hurricanes begin playing their home games at the Dolphins Stadium located in Miami Gardens. For anyone wishing to visit this world-famous stadium and see the Hurricanes in action for themselves, there are many hotels in Miami available.

Since his last major run in WWE ended in 2003, Johnson has stated several times in interviews that he is finished with wrestling. He has made occasional non-wrestling appearances on WWE television during the last few years, but it's unlikely he will ever actually wrestle again - considering that his average movie salary is US$10M, Johnson makes more from movies than he could ever hope to make in the wrestling ring!

Layin’ The Smack Down on Hollywood

Dwayne Johnson is the star of several Hollywood blockbusters, but he is perhaps best known to most for his time as professional wrestler, The Rock. During the late '90s and early '00s he was one of the most popular and successful wrestlers in the business.

Debuting in WWE as a clean-cut 'babyface' (wrestling slang for hero, or good guy) in 1996, Johnson became despised by fans, who found the character uninteresting and unrealistic in the wake of anti-hero characters like Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the De-Generation-X group. As a result of this backlash, Johnson was eventually turned 'heel' (wrestling slang for villain, or bad guy).

Ironically, it was during this time, when the Rock character was portrayed as arrogant and devious, and often insulted fans in interviews, that Johnson reached the height of his popularity, as fans saw a real talent and charisma in him. He went on to hold the World Heavyweight Championship nine times.

Johnson's massive popularity with wrestling fans soon saw him follow in the footsteps of Hulk Hogan and crossover into the mainstream. While still a full-time wrestler, Johnson appeared on rapper Wyclef Jean's track "It Doesn't Matter" ("It Doesn't Matter" being one of The Rock's signature catchphrases). He also made an appearance as guest host on US comedy show 'Saturday Night Live' (a role usually reserved for movie and pop stars), perfectly showcasing his acting and comedy abilities. Johnson soon landed his first role in a movie, as the Scorpion King in The Mummy Returns.

The job earned Johnson a place in the Guinness Book of Records, for the largest amount paid to a first-time actor ($5.5M US). He resumed the role, this time as the star, in the subsequent spin-off, entitled The Scorpion King. Johnson's wrestling appearances became fewer and fewer as he began to focus on his acting career. He starred in more action movies, including Walking Tall and Doom, but they all either bombed at the box office, or were slated by critics - or both.

In October 2007, Johnson and his wife donated $1M US to the University of Miami's athletics department, the largest amount ever donated to the university by a former student - Johnson attended the university in 1990, playing as defensive tackle for the Miami Hurricanes. In 1992, he was part of the team that won the National Championship.

The Hurricanes are the most successful college football team of the last twenty-five years in America, and have won more National Championships than any other team in their division. From 2008, The Hurricanes begin playing their home games at the Dolphins Stadium located in Miami Gardens. For anyone wishing to visit this world-famous stadium and see the Hurricanes in action for themselves, there are many hotels in Miami available.

Since his last major run in WWE ended in 2003, Johnson has stated several times in interviews that he is finished with wrestling. He has made occasional non-wrestling appearances on WWE television during the last few years, but it's unlikely he will ever actually wrestle again - considering that his average movie salary is US$10M, Johnson makes more from movies than he could ever hope to make in the wrestling ring!