Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Right Way to Clean Your Asics Running Shoes

Asics is a top performing athletic equipment company in the whole world. They are continually producing different sports gear and equipment, and one of their best is the Asics running shoes. Every runner should know that a high-quality type of running shoes has the ability to protect them from minute to severe running injuries. Good thing about Asics is that they are giving out runners the best innovative shoe materials to protect them well.

As a result, runners should also take good care of their Asics running shoes. This will help preserve the quality of your shoes and save you dollars in the future. Although your shoes might not be as pristine clean as when it is brand new, a clean pair of running shoes can make a big difference in your performance.

If you end up with a dirty, muddy, grass or sand-full of running shoes every after running, then you will surely want to know the right way to clean your shoes. It is utterly important to clean your shoes using the most appropriate techniques to prevent further damage on the shoe materials. The goal is to preserve your shoes and not to hasten the wearing process.

The prime importance before storing your shoes in the cupboard is to remove rock and mud after running. Rock and mud deposited for a long time on your shoes can destroy the original color of your shoes, which can lead to tarnish or discolorations. If there are big chunks of wet mud, you can let it dry first before removing them off, as well as the rocks, using a small brush. Drying the mud would facilitate easy removal.

If the running shoes are severely covered with mud and other sorts of dirt, you can clean it using a cloth damped in water with mild soap or detergent. You can also wash your shoes with a small brush and detergent once in a while. This will help remove dusts stuck on the shoes upper and inner materials. This is recommended if you have enough time to let your shoes dry in an open air, or if you have other running shoes to use and rotate. Do not dry them using a hand dryer or hair blower. When washing your shoes, gently rub off dirt with the small brush. Always remember not to put too much force when rubbing.

However, never wash your shoes in a washing machine nor soak them in water for too long. This might damage the shoe's vital components. Washing machines are used for cleaning clothes. It rotates several times to help remove dirt on the cloth's fabric materials. Turning and twisting can shrink the shoes and deform its original shape.

Performing the right way to clean your shoes can increase the shoes life expectancy. Also, it feels much better when running with a clean pair of Asics running shoes than when not.

1 comment:

Admin said...

I can vouch for brooks. I have medium arches and wide feet. At the time I was running 7-9 miles three to five times a week. Nikes were giving me blisters and bunions. Upon recommendation from my doctor, I got a free fitting done at a sports shoe specialist store with the intention of finding out what type of shoe I would need and take the info into consideration when price shopping around. Runners choice