Tuesday 19 October 2010

Algarve Resident Algarve resident to pedal the world

Aviation legend Gerry Breen, the first person attributed to flying a microlight, set off on a unique around-the-world tour starting from Lagos on Monday.

Gerry, who founded the Algarve Airsports Centre in Lagos in 1985, plans to travel the world in a Pedalcar which will see him cycling, unsupported, firstly across the United States from Orlando to San Diego before then journeying through South America to Tierra del Fuego at the tip of the continent.

Gerry Breen

After South America, Gerry plans to fly to Canada then cycle onto Alaska before crossing the Pacific to Japan, China and the Far East to then head back via New Zealand and Australia to complete the final leg through Europe.

Although Gerry is known for his skills in the air after flying more than 200 different types of airc raft, the entire journey will be made in a Pedalcar, affectionately known as the Breen Machine.

Read the full article

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