Wednesday 5 May 2010

Training that is fun

No one particularly wants to go back to school. The thought of sitting at home and completing a distance learning course does not sound like the definition of excitement.

Ocean Training provide e-learning and distance courses to anybody that wants to be or is involved in maritime activities. There are two differences between their RYA sailing courses and other distance learning courses. First, the RYA training course they provide could save your life and secondly they are designed to be informative and fun.

To assist your learning experience their interactive courses use over three hundred animations, cartoons and interesting information about maritime and navigational history. They understand that by making the RYA and MCA courses appealing to the student the learning experience is improved. Their students are motivated people but by making the course enjoyable helps the learning process.

The tutors are highly experienced sailors and have taught distance learning maritime courses for years. They offer a wide variety of courses from RYA day skipper courses to the more detailed RYA yachtmaster courses. All courses come with a fantastic range of materials to help the student study. These all include a CD and they can include navigation tables, plotting charts, training charts and more.

All students receive support from a personal tutor. They can help any questions that they may have regarding aspects of the course. Knowing that years of experience is just an e-mail away is a great help to students.

The courses enable the students to be able to have even more fun out on the ocean. If they did not understand about basic navigation and safety then their lives would be at risk. All sailors need to know about coastal navigation, meteorology, tides and boat construction which are some of the elements of the RYA day skipper course. This will give any beginner the grounding in the theory they will need when they put it into practice.

Because the course materials are high quality, simple to follow as well as interesting and fun Ocean Training find that their students get very high marks. Their success reflects the fact that they must enjoy the MCA distance learning experience that they provide.

They provide UK, EU and US sailing courses. All their RYA training courses will improve the student's skills and make them a better sailor.

Training can be fun contact Ocean Training for more information.

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