Tuesday 15 July 2008

A Glance Into The Past: Wild Duck Hunting Decoys

Wild duck hunters have been using duck decoys to help them catch more of these small creatures for many years with noticeable success. In our days, these duck decoys are even more popular among collectors. The main purpose of these decoys is to attract other animals into the rifle scope's range so that the hunter can take efficient shots. An interesting history fact is that in North America, these wild duck decoys have been used for more than two thousand years.

If somebody wants to find the oldest decoys in the world, the best place to look is at the Smithsonian Museum in the United States where they have the oldest decoys found in not only the United States, but also Canada and other North American areas. The Native Americans manufactured these decoys by hand using wood that they carved into or they used straw in order to make the wild duck shape. Several decoys that have been found are more complex than others, with more details and various colors. The more complex the decoys are, the higher the value will be for hunters and collectors.

Wild duck decoys from 1880s to 1940s had a larger amount of complexity and detail. As an example, the eyes were made of glass while the bodies were weighted for the ideal amount of buoyancy. Although the materials used for producing wild duck decoys have changed over the years, the concept of the body style hasn't changed one bit. The modern decoys are just as efficient as the ancient versions.

Finding wild duck decoys for hunting purposes shouldn't be a very difficult thing to do as there are many online auction shops over the Internet. Be sure that you check the seller's credentials before making such a purchase because if you want to purchase an antique decoy, it could actually turn out to be a cheap reproduction. Flea markets and thrift shops are a good place to find wild duck decoys.

Once you have purchased the right wild duck decoy for your hunting style you must know that if you plan on hunting in wetland areas and you want to ensure that the birds coming your way will fly past your decoy you must set up your duck upwind your hunting position. If you don't do this, there is a high probability that the ducks will rest on the outer edges thus limit your opportunities for an efficient shot. In order to make sure that the wild ducks won't catch on to your trick, it is advisable to group your decoys according to their species. This is because the birds typically tend to stay within their own groups when they rest.

All things considered, wild duck decoys are essential for duck hunters and are also well sought after by collectors. Whether you are using them for hunting purposes or you just want them for your personal collection, you need to purchase a wide variety of colors and styles because you know what they say: you don't want to have all of your ducks in one row.

Summary: This article is about the long history of duck decoys that are crucial for hunters and valuable for collectors.

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