Saturday 29 August 2009

How To Write An Internet Dating Profile

If you've ever tried writing an Internet Dating profile, you know how tough it can be if you've never done it before. There's an abundance of advice out there on how to do it.

You've seen it all! Right?

"Don't say." "Convey."

"Speak from your heart." "Be yourself!"

"Don't list facts."

"Show emotion and use descriptive language in your profile."

Well, some of the above is good advice and some of it... not so much. It's gotten so complicated that some guys just give up and look for sample profiles on the Internet to steal. Yet, when they look at these "great" works of art, it's hard to tell what's really going on. So they end up copying it word for word and posting it on several dating sites without knowing if it's really good or not hoping for the best.

So, what happens next??



Or they get minimal responses from women who are not quite their type.

The success they thought was around the corner never comes.

Well, why is that?

It's because they weren't showing the world who THEY REALLY ARE. They were putting on false self. It's like actors and actresses in the movies. They are playing a part in a movie and often times this character is completely different from who they really are.

"But how can she tell who I really am from reading my profile"?

Good question!

The answer is that women have a way of figuring out if you're being genuine or if you're just trying to be who you think she wants you to be. I've seen this happen over and over again!! Guys write up profiles that depict some cool character in a movie, rather then just describing who they really are.

Ok, so how do you get started?

Well, first you need a good headline. Something eye-catching and mysterious. I like to use the power of ambiguity in my headlines.

Maybe I'll say something like, "Hey, what is up with that?"

Now, when a woman sees that headline she's going to open it right away! Count on it! Women love a good mystery and you know she'll be dying to know what I mean by that.

Now you have to start off your profile by explaining what "that" is in your headline.

Say something like, "I mean, what are you doing wearing that hat to a baseball game?"

You see how that works? It's best to tease her about something she's doing in one of her pictures. That gets her attention right away.

Now, doing this, we started off our profile with some humor. Always good!!

Next you need to show your confidence. You do that by using assertive language and showing her just how strong you are and demonstrating that in your writing. This is what they mean by conveying not saying. Convey that you are a confident person!

Finally we end the profile with some more humor. Maybe say something like, "So stop reading and start writing. Believe me, you want nothing to do with the guy below me. He still lives in his Parent's basement!"

So, to recap, we wrote an eye-catching headline using the power of ambiguity. Then we started our write up by using some humor. Next, we conveyed our confidence by using assertive language and finally we finished off with more humor.

THAT, my friend is the secret formula.

Think about it.

What are the two things that women find most attractive in a man?

Ask any woman and she'll tell you it's his confidence and his personality or sense of humor. So THESE are the two things that must really shine in your profile.

Remember, women aren't like men. All we want to see are some sexy pictures and then we'll look at her personality. Well, women want to see a sexy personality first!!

So, go sign up to your favorite online dating site and use these tips right away. Once you do, your Internet Dating success will go through the roof! Count on it!!

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