Tuesday 20 November 2007

How to Dominate PvP

"They live in a world based on rules" tells Morpheus to Neo. A statement has never been truer for that of gamers; some rise above the rules or fundamentals of the game, while others sit idly by, accepting the game mechanics and virtual world at face value. When one begins to question the world, in this case virtual world, they live in, you begin to see there are ways to become better, faster, and smarter, than the program ever truly intentioned. Are you ready to free your mind and become the PvP Lord you were meant to be? Take the Red Pill with me now.

The game you play is not of much importance but the principles to follow are timeless. Keep in mind we are not playing for fun as the end goal, we are playing to win, but the fun will come indirectly from being the best. With feelings set aside, choose the best "skill based" PvPer the video game has to offer. Usually melee or warrior types (Dexers) aren't the best since their world is based on rules. You must pick a skill based class that takes time to refine; this can be either a pure caster, or some form of hybrid. The point here is knowing all the strengths and weaknesses of yourself and your opponent.

To master and manipulate the PvP you must have a great understanding of the physical world around you. Once you understand how to move to avoid hits, whether side to side, up and down, or left and right rapidly, you can successfully dodge more attacks. In 3d games this becomes even more effective as time/spatial relations rely most on reaction time and those that understand when and why a hit will land.

After you mastered the physical movement, understanding combinations is the next step. You must approach your game as if it were Mortal Kombat. Even though you might not be jump kicking you still are unconsciously utilizing combinations, whether they are good or bad. If a player has casted a DOT (Damage Over Time) spell, chances are the opponent will attempt to cure it. This leaves him open for a Direct Damage Spell, or perhaps a Melee attack. Whatever the combination, understand this; PvP is a big Math equation/ IF then Statement wrapped in graphics. Once you understand that if you DOT (A) someone, they will do (B) cure. When someone begins to cast a spell on you, you must condition your body and mind to immediately cast your counter spell without hesitation. A player that doesn't understand delayed damage stacking with direct damage will never truly become a PvPer and always fall victim to a more seasoned comboer.

So you now realize you need those fast combinations, some dealing large amounts of damage, but your fingers aren't fast enough. This is where setting up Macros comes in to play. The newbies of the world will rely on the rules that are preset; they will not realize you can setup multiple hotkeys to trigger other hotkeys. Utilizing the F1-F12 keys, plus the buttons on a mouse, one can instantly call upon the correct answer to the Math equation that is PvP.

Now at this point you can maneuver around flawlessly in your environment and you have a great understanding of spell combinations and delays. The next step is to develop muscle memory. Through repetitive use muscle memory will allow you to make the correct decision and hit the correct hotkey every time through repetition. Here, and only at this step can you begin dueling others, preferably friends or guild mates, to fine tune your reaction time.

At first you will be clumsy, you will forget your hotkeys, you will forget to heal, you will forget combinations, and yes you will lose to the less talented warrior. But their world is based on rules, and once you rise above these rules the next warrior that runs at you with his sword and shield will have you jumping around laughing as you nuke, combo, and strike your way to the WIN. Enjoy dry looting his equipment based character and proceed to the next computer programmed bound victim.

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