Tuesday 18 September 2007

How to rule your guild with an iron fist

So you've just started your own guild, or perhaps have been running one with moderate success for some time, and want some tips that will put both you and your guild over the top. Well get ready to dip that clutched fist into a boiling pot of molten iron, as this is your easy trial by fire (or molten iron) to ruling your guild with an iron fist.

Guild Goals and recruitment

A relatively simple concept, but often overlooked. Most people initially create guilds with no real goal or direction in mind, and haphazardly recruit as many people as possible for prestige. While guilds formed in this way are not necessarily doomed to failure, they will likely never reach any pinnacle. Creating or running a guild with a specific purpose, likely war or high level quest related, and recruiting only like minded players will go a long way to creating an environment that all your members will be content with. This is vital for avoiding defections or uprisings.

When to rule and when to delegate

As with many things in all aspects of life, it's important to have a nice moderation between the hands on running of your guild and delegating tasks or the running of some areas of your guild to others. Running your guild like a dictatorship by refusing to entrust others with duties, and not listening to their opinions or suggestions will only lead to animosity. Likewise, running your guild too loose by passing off all duties and decision making to others will limit your authority and make you appear lazy and uncommitted.

All major decisions regarding guild affairs should be openly discussed with all members. The decision making ultimately rests with you though. A balance where you retain authority, but respect and reward your members when deserved will lead to their respect and devotion.

Guild relations

The ways in which guilds can interact with each other varies with each game. In some games or server types, the success of your guild may depend heavily on allying with other guilds. In others it may not play much, if any importance. Similar to your personal guild goals, you should ally or be associated with guilds with similar leadership and goals. It can also be a good idea to have someone in your guild who is responsible for dealing with other guilds, or players in general, preferably someone charismatic, and well known/liked if possible.

Guild Extras

Running special guild events will increase the enjoyment of all your members, breaking up the sometimes monotonous regular game play activities, and make them feel proud to be involved with your guild. If you can, setting up a personal guild website is also advised. This will give your members another avenue to communicate with each other, and give your guild added prestige. If you have a member with some website design and maintenance experience, this would be the perfect task to give them.

These are just some of the many areas in which you can improve the leadership and quality of your guild. Running your guild with the utmost success is in your grasp. Be creative, strong and just, and your guild will surely blossom.

Autor:  Online Gaming

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